UniLaSalle is committed to making research accessible to all. Explore our outreach initiatives to dive into the exciting world of science. Join us in this adventure of discovery!
The Conversation
The Conversation is a new kind of media, promoting scientific expertise by bringing together French-speaking higher education and research establishments. It sheds new light on current affairs, drawing on the expertise of those involved in research.
23 articles have been published on The Conversation by UniLaSalle since 2020. They are the joint work of our teacher-researchers and The Conversation editorial team.
30-minute lecture and Q&A session. With its 13h ConSci lecture series, UniLaSalle contributes to the popularization of science and research by tackling themes at the heart of current concerns.
Open to all, the 13h ConSci lectures are organized 3 to 4 times a year and can be followed on site or online.
Fête de la Science
The Fête de la science invites the curious to come and meet the people who make science happen. Everywhere in France and its overseas territories, thousands of free events open to all invite the general public to discover the wonderful world of science and research.
Created in 1991 by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the event is dedicated entirely to the popularization of science, and is held both in mainland France and in overseas territories.
UniLaSalle takes part in this nationwide event, offering activities as part of the Village des sciences, every year in Rouen and Beauvais, and more occasionally in Amiens and Rennes.
Our Beauvais campus also organizes workshops for elementary school classes.

Pint of Science
Talking science over a drink: that's the concept behind Pint of Science. The brainchild of 2 British researchers, this international event brings researchers and the general public together in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere. The concept? Popularize research work and offer a question-and-answer session in a partner bar.
Since its launch, many cities have hosted one or more Pint of Science events. Researchers from UniLaSalle Beauvais and UniLaSalle Rouen regularly contribute to this event by sharing their latest research work.
Cordées de la réussite
The Cordées de la réussite program is a national initiative designed to promote equal opportunities for students.
Classes from middle and high schools are welcomed to the various UniLaSalle campuses. The discovery of the engineering profession and higher education is made through various workshops and practical work that immerse the young participants in a scientific environment, through playful experiments.
The aim of Cordées de la réussite is to encourage young people who are not necessarily destined for higher education to pursue it, by combating self-censorship.
Chaque mardi de 16h à 17h, retrouvez l'expertise des enseignants-chercheurs du collège Santé dans l'émission 100% Food, sur la webradio NutriRadio.
Dans ce rendez-vous hebdomadaire, ils partageront leurs connaissances sur le futur de la nutrition et les dernières avancées en matière d'alimentation.