The research unit Basins - Reservoirs - Resources (B2R) - UniLaSalle - UPJV - studies the evolution of sedimentary basins, reservoirs and sources of fossil and renewable energies (hydrocarbons, geothermal, water).
The scientific project
The B2R research unit's approach fits into a general context where energy demand is constantly growing due to the increase in world population and the emergence of many new countries. This growth in demand is accompanied, for industrialized countries, by an awareness of the strategic, environmental and societal issues raised by the need for natural resources: energy (oil, gas) or minerals.
On a global scale, it has become crucial to seek a diversification of energy sources. Sedimentary basins play a central role in this quest. They serve as reservoirs and sources for a range of energy resources, including renewable energies such as geothermal, hydrogen and hydropower. In addition, these basins are often used as storage sites for various forms of energy, as well as a CO2 capture and storage zone.

The studies
The B2R team studies the evolution of sedimentary basins, formed several million years ago, as it allows us to predict the evolution of current systems and their natural resource potential.
In these basins, the research unit is interested in the influence of physico-chemical parameters on the evolution of thermo-barometric markers such as: "crystallinity" of illite and chlorite, phyllosilicate reaction series, vitrinite reflectance, fission traces, fluid inclusions.
These physico-chemical parameters are indeed used to determine the pressure/temperature conditions of sedimentary basins to better characterize their evolution.
In the fields of diagenesis and anchimetamorphism, the research team focuses on :
- question the reliability of the interpretations of the markers used for the thermo-barometric characterization of basins and the reservoirs they contain,
- to specify, by studying analogues and modelling, the characteristics of the evolution of these markers over time according to the geodynamic context considered, the lithologies encountered, and the circulation of fluids,
- to highlight the geological factors that influence these markers with emphasis on the control methods.
Within the general framework of the studies of sedimentary basin evolutionary processes, the scientific project of the B2R unit focuses on :
- the integrated and critical analysis of thermo-barometric markers of this evolution,
- the correlation of the results from the interpretation of thermo-barometric markers with those from the interpretation of stratigraphic, diagenetic and structural markers,
- the highlighting of the modalities of control over time of the various factors on the properties of sedimentary reservoirs.
The team
- BAILLEUL Julien : Associate professor - Doctor in basin geology
- BARRIER Pascal : Associate professor - Doctor in microfacies sedimentology, HDR (CV HAL)
- BURET Christophe (UPJV) : Associate professor - Doctor in clays petrology
- CHENOT Elise: Associate professor - Doctor in paleoclimate sedimentology (CV HAL)
- CARON Vincent (UPJV) : Associate professor - Doctor in carbonate sedimentology
- GAGNAISON Cyril : Associate professor - Doctor in paleontology (CV HAL)
- MAHIEUX Geoffroy (UPJV): Doctor in Petrophysics
- POTEL Sébastien: Associate professor - Doctor in petrology of BT metamorphism, HDR (CV HAL)
- TOULLEC Renaud: Associate professor - doctor in carbonate sedimentology and petrophysicist (CV HAL)
- TRULLENQUE Ghislain: Associate professor - Doctor in experimental structural geology (CV HAL)
- CLAUSSMANN Barbara : PhD student (thesis defended on July 2, 2021)
- KLEE Johanne : PhD student
- CORBINEAU Lucien : Associate professor - Engineer in gypsum surveying
- LAURENT-CHARVET Sébastien: Associate professor - Doctor in structural geology
- OTTAVI-PUPIER Elsa : Associate professor - Doctor in experimental petrology
- PROUDHON Benoit : Associate professor - Structural Geology Engineer
- VAUTIER Yannick : Associate professor - Design engineer in bedrock modeling
Research programs
(Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials)
The objective of the project is to demonstrate the possibility of small-scale, low-cost production of electricity and heat in geologically diverse areas and to strongly increase the development of geothermal production sites in Europe in the near future, notably by capitalizing on the optimization of existing and non-operated oil wells.
Partners: B2R UniLaSalle - Ghislain TRULLENQUE and 13 other partners from 5 European countries.
The recording of extreme waves by beachrocks: a possible key for risk assessment in the Lesser Antilles (Saint Martin, Saint Barthélemy)
Carrier :
Vincent CARON - Geoffroy MAHIEUX
University of Picardie Jules-Verne
Partners :
University of Science and Technology of Lille 1
UniLaSalle - Julien BAILLEUL
Access all of the B2R unit's publications on Google Scholar.
Scientific networks
Academic partners
- University of Picardie Jules Verne
- University of Lille 1
- Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse
- Institute of Human Paleontology of Paris
- IFP Énergies Nouvelles
- National Museum of Natural History of Paris
- University of Montpellier 2
- University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- University of Rennes 1
- University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- University of Darmstadt, Germany
- University of Freiburg, Germany
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- University of Potsdam, Germany
- University of Genoa, Italy
- University of Nevada, Reno, USA
- University of Texas at El Paso, USA
- University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
- National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand
- Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
- Geological Survey of Western Australia, Kalgoorlie, Australia
- University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon
Donation of teaching license
Petroleum Experts Ltd
Petroleum Experts Ltd have donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite for teaching and academic research purposes. The MOVE suite consists of the following modules: MOVE, 2D Kinematic Modelling, 3D Kinematic Modelling, Geomechanical Modelling, Sediment Modelling, Fracture Modelling, Fault Response Modelling, Fault Analysis, Stress Analysis, MOVE link Petrel, MOVE link for OpenWorks, MOVE link for GST and Petex’s Network Licensing System HARDLOCK. The commercial value of the donation is £1,601,839.98. Petroleum Experts are greatly acknowledged for the software donation
Golder Associates Ltd
Golder Associates (UK) Ltd. (GAUK) has donated an academic license of the FracMan® FracMan 8 Reservoir Edition Pro (1 Node Locked Seat) software suite.
We would like to thank Golder for the donation of this software which can be used for a period of 1 year.