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The BioSol platform brings together research infrastructures dedicated to the agroecological approach to agronomic practices.

The BioSol platform supports the themes of the AGHYLE unit, with areas and tools dedicated to the analysis of soils, plants and the activity of plant system microbiomes.

The platform includes an "Environment, soils, water & organic matter" technical platform, which houses the tools needed to carry out biophysical and chemical analyses of soils and organic matter, as well as an "Agrobiodiversity, molecules & microorganisms" technical platform, which provides a molecular, cellular, biochemical and microscopic approach to microbial communities and the rhizosphere-phyllosphere.

Research areas

  • Research in agronomy and agroecology on all aspects of soil characterization, in order to identify, understand and adapt the best agricultural practices to promote plant growth and health while preserving natural resources and the biological state of the soil.
  • Research into the factors linking soil microbial communities to plant growth and health.
  • Study the impact of pathogenic or beneficial microorganisms on plants, their role in biocontrol approaches, support for plant nutrition and the role of interactions between different microbial communities in these plant functions.

Main equipment

  • Microbiology and Molecular Biology Workstations
  • Epifluorescence and inverted microscopes
  • Flow cytometer
  • Microorganism functional fingerprinting (BIOLOG) and genetic fingerprinting (classical PCR, quantitative PCR, digital PCR, electrophoresis) stations
  • Spectrophotometer, Spectrofluorimeter, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and Near- and Mid-Infrared Spectrometer
  • MARS6 microwave digestion
  • Laser granulometer (liquid and solid module)
  • Total Organic Carbon analyzer (liquid and solid module, TN)
  • CHNS elemental analyzer
  • Gas chromatography and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • Several climatic chambers and Phytotron