Context and objectives
The SAFARRI project (2021-24) is entirely dedicated to the production of agroforestry references specific to the Hauts-de-France region. Agroecology references are often still young and incomplete, or do not cover all terroirs and local histories. This is why UniLaSalle Beauvais, on behalf of all the operators in the Réseau Haies/ AFAC Agroforesteries network in the Hauts-de-France region, has proposed to set up in Picardie, with Junia in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the first repository of knowledge and know-how dedicated to regional agroforestry.

Who's involved?
The project is being carried out with the participation of Atelier Agriculture Avesnois-Thiérache, Planteurs volontaires, Initiatives Paysannes, Chambre d'Agriculture NPDC, ..., 4 pilot territories in the Douaisis, PNR CMO, Plateau Picard, PETR de la Thiérache, and above all - many agroforestry farmers in the region without whom this project would not have seen the light of day - thank you to them!
4 key objectives

The SAFARRI project creates knowledge, but aims to make it operational and useful to the farming profession tomorrow. Together, we aim to:
- Produce the first repository of agroforestry experiences in Hauts-de-France, describing the approaches and paths taken by agroforesters, as well as the pitfalls and benefits they derive from their transition to agroforestry;
- Produce the most reliable abacuses possible to evaluate in the field the quantity of carbon biomass gradually sequestered by agroforestry trees and hedges; mobilized within a simplified economic calculator, this would make it possible to estimate the costs and benefits of agroforestry on a farm;
- Build up a document base representing the strengths and weaknesses of the main forms of regional agroforestry, which will be made available to support the agroforestry system design workshops that local AFAC Agroforesteries advisors will be able to run with farmers carrying out agroforestry projects.
- Evaluate how, and to what extent, agroforestry systems can contribute to reducing runoff and soil erosion in rural areas of the region, help limit the effects of global warming, and contribute to energy and food self-sufficiency.
The GoPEI SAFARRI project (No. R PIC 1601 20 CR 022 0009) has received full funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and support from the Hauts-de-France Region and the Préfet de Région, as well as from the Agences de l'Eau Artois-Picardie (AEAP) and Seine-Normandie (AESN).
We would like to thank them for their support.