UniLaSalle Rouen's AGROBIOTECH platform has been awarded the national IBiSA label for its expertise in plant production and development.
Rouen's AGROBIOTECH technology platform, which brings together the Normand Serre, AgroRTech and InDoor Farming Research Center infrastructures and the BIOSOL technical platforms, is the 2024 winner of the national label awarded by the GIS IBiSA (Infrastructures en Biologie Santé Agronomie), one of 21 platforms selected from 70 applications.
AGROBIOTECH is an infrastructure dedicated to plant production and development. The fields covered by the platform range from plant and agronomic sciences to the physical chemistry of polymers for the production and transformation of agro-resources into materials and biomolecules of interest. These activities draw on the scientific and technical expertise of the VAM²IN and AGHYLE research teams at the UniLaSalle campus in Rouen.
Under the leadership of Dr Mohamed RAGOUBI, the IBiSA committee of experts has recognized the quality of our infrastructure, and has been with us every step of the way.
This positive outcome paves the way for other UniLaSalle platforms falling within the thematic scope of the GIS.
Find out more about the AGROBIOTECH platform on the UniLaSalle website.
Your contact : mohamed.ragoubi@unilasalle.fr Rouen Campus Development Manager